Monday, February 1, 2010

Are you willing to seek change?

I have a full time job that I mostly like.  I'm in a serious relationship.  I have a small group of close knit friends.  I pursue hobbies weekly.  I'm willing to give it all up.

To actually write it out, it seems a little crazy to leave it all.  But I worry that I'll become complacent with this life.

I have applied for grad school that would take me to the University of Victoria.  Why?  I think it's important to have a Master's these days.  It'll help me with the pursuit of teaching within a post secondary environment, makes me seem more credible when I open my own practice, and it's another academic challenge for me to pursue.

If I were to move, I would possibly lose my present relationship, I may not be able to return to my job, current friends would become solely online, and I may not have the same avenues to pursue my interests.

On the positive note, I would be moving to a city that is beautiful.  Simply put, mountains and water make me extremely happy and calm.  The climate is miles better than Toronto.  The opportunities would only be limited by my fear of pursuing them.  Plus, one of my besties lives there.

There's positives to both and I kinda just like to play the fate card to help ease my worry.  If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.  I could stay here, be laid off my job and simply be left with nothing.  That's a possibility.  I could move, flunk out, and be miserable.  That's another possibility.  I could go there for a year, have a great time, and still move back a year later to finish it off my Master's by distance.

I am constantly excited by the unlimited potential that we each have, but of course, I find great comfort in sticking with the regular.

It's a simple question that I put to myself and to you, are you willing to seek change?

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