So yesterday morning was like any other work day. I woke up, had a shower and went to work. Like any other typical morning I grabbed my steaped tea and then sat down at my desk. Twenty minutes in I get a call, I missed it because I was on the phone with an assistant. The person left a message and I checked it. Here is what they say "Hi this is _______ _______ from the Toronto Health Board, I am looking for _____ ______. ______ you might aware or unaware that you have a potential minor health risk." I nearly dropped the phone. Yes I know the person said minor, I listened to it four times but that still didn't help. What was weird was I had gone to the doctor's the week before to go get tested and I thought maybe these were the results. As it turns out, it was someone else who had gotten tested. I call back and I get the dudes answering machine. He states that if he has called you to press 0 to talk to the intake person. I press 0 and it just keeps ringing. I waited three minutes of ringing before I hung up and call again. Again I get his voicemail and this time I realize you can leave a message, so I did. I go back up to work and am shaking. "Wtf could I have".
Another twenty minutes go by and I he calls me back. This time I am stuck at my desk and he tells me what he called me about. "One of the people you have been with in the past three months has tested positive for Goneria". Big sy of relief. I have had it once before and although it is extremely painful and not fun, I know it is easily curable and I will be fine. He then tells me the person is to remain anonymous as thats how it works in these cases, but that I should go get tested. I proceed to tell him that I got tested the week before. He says go to the doctor today and say I have been exposed and they will give me the treatment anyways and all will be well. He asks me I have any questions which I do but I am at work and not much that I can say. I hang up the phone and then the thoughts start pouring in. Who in the past three months could have given me the big G. So I total the number and it equals 7. I still talk to all but three, so my automatic reaction is to blame one of those three boys. Then after talking to a friend, they pointed out that it could have been the other 4, they are just too scared to tell me. I doubt I will ever know but it poses the question. Would you tell someone directly if you caught an STD or would you choose to stay anonymous and have someone else do it for you?
Oh and I went to the doctor and my results all came back negative, thankfully, I got tested again just to be safe, and got the medication. What a week...lol. Of course maybe I shouldn't be as promiscuous anymore. ; )
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