1) The cottage. If you don't have one, I'm sorry. If you do, you'll understand. Water plus green space makes me calm and extremely happy. I only got a day there, but I was still glad that I went. I don't think I've ever had a bad experience there.
2) Yoga. Whenever, I'm pissy, tell me to go do some yoga. It's like my instant release from any and all shitty-ness.
3) Naps. I haven't slept well for at least 2 months now. Naps are key to my sanity. An hour, 20 minutes, even just a quick doze...life is better post nap!
4) Calls/e-mails/msn time w/ friends that you don't keep in touch with often. One of my besties called today while I was driving around from a new number and I almost didn't pick up. Thankfully, I did. I sat in a parking lot, roasting, just chatting away and catching up. 1.5 hours passes as fast as it used to.
5) New ppl who call me out! I don't mean to, but I intimidate some ppl. So when I find someone who's willing to call me out on what I do that annoys, it's awesome!
I think 5 is a good number, so let's stick with 5!
What's presently making you happy?
1 comment:
1) Going away. Wow it is amazing what three days away can do for someone. I agree cottages are great to, but experiencing new cities are pretty fun too.
2) Getting my own place, I can't wait to move in. Only two more weeks to freedom. No nagging parents asking where I am, no sudden interruptions, and knowing the mess in the house is mine and I can clean it when I am ready.
3) Only two more months and I will finally have my undergraduate degree. I can't believe it is almost here. To know that I finally have completed something makes me one happy boy.
4) Having a job I excel in and working with a good group of people who are friendly, helpful and are constantly complimenting me.
5) Knowing that old and new friends are happy with their lives. I can't tell you how many people I know right now are happy, and what big changes are happening for them and I couldn't be happier for all of them. Yay world I knew 2009 would rock.
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