My first real love took me months and months to break up with them. Mostly, cuz I'd spend all week preparing to do it and then I'd see him on the weekend and it'd be like 'Hooray, he's back in my life.' No need to break up, when you're happy. Mostly, I think I was horny and not seeing someone during the week and then only on weekends, it meant that I chose to let the horny win out over the emotions.
When I was finally set to end it, there was never a good time. My b-day in September, Thanksgiving in Oct, his b-day in Nov, and X-mas coming up in Dec. Finally, I did it the worst way possible. I did it over the phone. Which for a LTR, it's about as bad as ending it over a text these days.
My next majjjjuuuhhh break up was even harder. I lived w/ him. Now that sucks hardcore. How do you break up with somebody, when you fear that they'll fuck your shit up? Or like destroy the house that your 'rents own? That's some tough shit to deal with. Plus, you're working 6 days (sometimes 7) a week, going to school, doing placement, and just don't want to deal with anything. It's only when your friends pop back into your life that you get a wake up call and the balls to end it. I can still hear him crying after it was finally over. Never do I ever want to hear such pain again. I still feel pretty awful over that break up.
My last big break up was a good long while in the making. In hindsight, we should've broken up probably 6 months in. Our arguments from the start were always about the same thing. I'd finally have enough, we'd have a 'serious' talk, I'd forgive, he'd promise to try harder and we'd move on. Or, I'd not forgive, I'd say 'it's over', get to the door, we'd hug and then that'd lead to kissing, which would to sexy times. :P We finally came to a mutual decision to just break it off.
After the break ups, comes the still having sex thing that I really need to start getting better at not doing. But that's a piece for another day!!!
So how about you? Are you any good at breaking up?
The longer the relationship the longer it takes to break up. I think it's unusual for someone to wake up one day and be like "Today I'll break up with you."
The general rule is one month for each year you are together. 3 years, 3 months to break it off completely.
remind me never to date you :P
breaking up is funnnnnnnnn if you do it right :P
If you don't want to follow my rule. Take the Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes approach and burn the guys house down. ;)
How can breaking up ever be fun?
Define breaking it off completely...no contact whatsoever?
What if the guy owns nothing of value? What do I burn?
His hair.
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