When I moved out, I was leaving my 'rents, where I had been living for almost 14 months. I had done it to save money to buy my own place. I broke up w/ my ex, realized I couldn't afford to own solo, and was going nuts by the 'rents.
To solve this dilemma, I moved out. First, I put to the universe exactly what I wanted. Three bedrooms, 1 for sleep, 2 for yoga, 3 for office. I wanted it close to work and close to downtown. I wanted it to be in a quiet space with no dogs barking. I wanted it for cheap!
Universe delivered, I love Universe and all is well. One of my best girlies then started talking about needing a place and I started thinking...maybe I could deal with a roomie.
Pros and Cons to Roomie-life!
Pros: Companionship
Cons: Can't be naked 24/7
Pros: Roomie can help to keep place tidy
Cons: Can't keep bringing over randoms twice daily
Pros: Monthly expenses sliced in half
Cons: Roomie could be annoying, stupid, ugly, have ugly random encounters, not do dishes, have a loud barky dog, and talk incessantly about rocks.
And you know, the list goes on and such.
So what'd you think? Live a life in solitude or get a roomie? What's your experience with roomies? Would you wanna be my roomie? :P
Well my one experience with a roomie ruined a life-long friendship. Not only did he have his knocked up girlfriend move in with us, but I got tired of finding dirty diapers and used "birth control" in places OTHER THAN their bedroom. Ironic how she reached her current state with all those rubbers lying around! Needless to say, the comforts of home with mom and dad became more and more appealing.
Don't get a roomie. If you want to cut expenses, get a smaller space. You can always do yoga in the living room or even the bedroom. Sharing sucks, a lot of the time, even if you're in love. You may get the roomie from hell.
I had 2 roommates move out and I was stuck with a 3 bedroom apartment I couldn't really afford on my own.
I've been living alone for decades and I like it just fine.
I would hate to come home and have the place a mess and a noisy party happening when all I wanted was some peace and quiet.
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