I'm not sure if it's from d/l-ing all 8 of Tracy Chapman's albums or the mark of year 1 tomorrow, but I'm feeling slightly vulnerable. Or as vulnerable as someone like me is capable of getting. ;)
I was at my 'rents and found a book of what I thought were lost words and it reminded of what's occurred over the last little while.
Tracy Chapman writes beautiful words about love and lost. Why not reminisce a little about those that I've liked/loved and subsequently lost (nope, they didn't die...).
JD - You were the first. I'll remember the bumps on your genitalia (non-disease, just a part of anatomy :P). I still recall the confusion when I went away and returned no longer interested.
EP - Young love. If only you would've taken it to the next level. Oh what would've been. You're my only proof that I once had a drunken party side. ;)
JT - So intense, most intense emotional start up that I've ever felt. Sadly, it's true...something so passionate at first will quickly fizzle out and end poorly.
MW - My mista, Mr. Big that is...haha to double entendres. Found my b-day box today for a trip never taken. Bday cards from the past make me smile. I want 'that' feeling back.
MS - One day, I'll say sorry enough times. Not sure if I have yet. They say the third time's the charm, but neither of our hearts could handle it.
JN - We were exactly what both of us needed at the time. Your being and the memories of your stories makes me still laugh out loud.
Who do you think about on those days when you're missing being/feeling loved?
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