When I first had my own voice mail, I was creative. I would play the current song that I enjoyed and had you dancing it up like Ellen.
For awhile, I did this, 'If you're a family member of Jay's or a friend, please leave a message, if not, you can go fuck yourself.'
I forgot that work may call and a new boss called and received that message. She laughed hysterically and played it on speakerphone for others to hear. Thankfully, she was cool about it.
From that experience though, I did 'If you're a family member of Jay's or a friend, please leave a message, if not, (insert Jay speaking in professional phone operator voice) we're sorry but this message has been censored by Bell Canada.' The amount of people who thought it was for real made for much amusement on my part.
Finally, I've stuck for many years with the following, 'Hey you've reached me, so leave me a message.' If you don't know who me is, they usually don't leave a msg. It's a perfect system. I've never had a telemarketer leave a msg or anything.
So for those who think that I need to hear your first and last name with a note about how to leave a message and that you'll get back to me as soon as you can....well you can go...We're sorry but this message has been censored by blogspot.com.
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