Friday, December 25, 2009

It's X-mas Eve...

It's X-mas eve and Santa will soon be arriving.  I know you're all looking at this pic and thinking 'Mmmmm...if only Santa really looked like this.' ;)

I'm sitting in my parents' living room staring at the x-mas tree with way too many presents under the tree and wondering what the rest of you are up to.

Are you alone?  Are you with family?  Are you wrapping gifts?  Are you drunk?

Tonight, we did our annual x-mas eve traditions.  Us kiddies got to open one present and surprise surprise, it was pjs.  It's funny cuz I don't wear pjs any other nite of the year, but tradition is tradition.

Pa read 'Twas the night before x-mas' and I recorded it this year.  We helped to finish each sentence and for some reason, I thought that 'while St. Nick danced in their heads' was the correct line to yell out loud.  Apparently, it's visions of sugar bad.

X-mas story done and then a few passages from the bible read.  This led into a picture taking session in front of the fireplace w/ my bro and I.  Sis wasn't here this year as she's a traitor. :P

Tomorrow, we will be opening X-mas presents at noon w/ the arrival of nephew and sis.  This will lead into our usual marathon of opening presents.  It takes so long, because we open one by one from eldest to youngest.  Each person gets to open one present, we all stare in amazement, and then move on.  Honestly, it's gone on for 3 hours plus in previous years.

How have you spent your x-mas eve?  What traditions have been renewed and which one's broken?  What will x-mas day entail?

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