So, I haven't read the books or seen the first movie but I decided to see New Moon. Mostly because a friend asked me and I made him sit through Cameron Diaz horrible movie The Box a few weeks ago.
Well, I now know I'm not missing anything by not getting on the Twilight bandwagon. New Moon was a steaming pile of cinematic crap. First I'll tell you about the good - the cinematography was pretty and the Taylor Launter is hot for a 17 year old...when not "acting".
The Bad - The acting was on par with a middle school production of the Wizard of Oz. Kristen Stewart spent the entire movie sulking, being moody and staring longingly out a rainy window. Robert Pattison is not nearly as attractive as the tabloids and my 12 year old cousin would have me believe. And then there's Taylor. Dear Taylor spends the first half of the movie in a ridiculous wig and is shirtless at any chance he gets all while unsuccessfully trying to act.
They really stretch out 15 mins worth of plot into over 2 hours. The story is basically it's the age old question "Bestiality or Necrophilia?"....I'm not spoiling anything by telling you she picks necrophilia.
Any thoughts?
Well, I now know I'm not missing anything by not getting on the Twilight bandwagon. New Moon was a steaming pile of cinematic crap. First I'll tell you about the good - the cinematography was pretty and the Taylor Launter is hot for a 17 year old...when not "acting".
The Bad - The acting was on par with a middle school production of the Wizard of Oz. Kristen Stewart spent the entire movie sulking, being moody and staring longingly out a rainy window. Robert Pattison is not nearly as attractive as the tabloids and my 12 year old cousin would have me believe. And then there's Taylor. Dear Taylor spends the first half of the movie in a ridiculous wig and is shirtless at any chance he gets all while unsuccessfully trying to act.
They really stretch out 15 mins worth of plot into over 2 hours. The story is basically it's the age old question "Bestiality or Necrophilia?"....I'm not spoiling anything by telling you she picks necrophilia.
Any thoughts?
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