By Philip Cairns
Copyright 2010 by Philip Cairns
Dreams are like clouds,
Ephemeral and golden.
Where’s your sense of humour gone?
It’s only sleeping.
Red garnets crunched under my bare feet.
The feeling was strangely soothing.
The healing properties of the stones
Lulled me into a tender dream state.
This walk is a long one.
It feels like 50 miles.
Am I getting old?
My heart is still beating.
My spirit soars up into Neverland.
My feet always touch the ground.
One has to do both in order to thrive, I think.
Life is a constant challenge.
I’m feeling the desire to write about sweet, sticky sex.
I’ll have to learn to control myself.
Don’t want to offend the uptight country folk.
Expletive deleted.
John loves Frank and Frank loves Joe.
Joe loves Freddy and Freddy loves Bob.
Bob loves Robbie and Robbie loves Ben.
But Ben is in love with himself, poor thing.
When it comes to sex,
Some people have no sense of humour.
Don’t leave them a flirty, naughty phone message.
It will come back to haunt you.
The green car sped across the vast expanse of central California.
The ocean followed the driver like a gentle shadow.
The sound of the sparkling waves calmed his nerves.
Endless possibilities danced in his head.
Jennifer Jones was an exquisite movie star.
An other-worldly fey quality surrounded her great beauty.
When you look at her natal chart,
You can understand why she married father figures.
Do you hear soft voices in your head?
If you do, you may not be crazy.
It’s only a new poem gently wafting through your brain.
Let it sing.
Don’t say cruel things to me, please.
It hurts more than you’ll ever know.
Try to be a little kind.
It certainly won’t kill you.
The actor burst into tears at the audition.
The script concerned rape and torture
And he was having a hard day.
He didn’t get the part.
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