Thursday, January 21, 2010
By Philip Cairns
Copyright 2010 by Philip Cairns
The penis is a wondrous instrument.
Imagine if your arm grew 4 times its size
Every time you got excited!
Think of the effect on professional sports!
Mauve is such a beautiful colour.
Soothing, quiet and calm.
We painted the doors in my housing co-op a variation of this shade
And everyone was up in arms.
Go down to the lake and put your arms around a tree.
Talk to it.
Listen to its vibrations.
Imagine you’re suddenly living in an Emily Carr painting.
Drink in the essence of a smiling baby.
You’ll feel all fluttery inside.
Kiss it on the cheek.
It’s as sweet as maple syrup.
It’s very quiet in this room.
Just the way I like it.
All I can hear is the occasional streetcar
And the sound of the air being pushed into the hallways.
Light blue, yellow, pale green,
Deep purple and soft pink.
Pastel shades peering out of an artist’s masterwork.
The colours of Monet.
Wish I were standing with my feet in the sand
Beside the sea at Big Sur,
With a paintbrush in my hand
And rich colours slopping onto a big canvas.
I’m remembering the sights and sounds of Cannes
During the film festival.
It’s a carnival of buskers and sunbathers,
With hordes of people crowding around the red carpet.
The sixties were full of violence and hope.
An ugly war and dissenting youth.
Long hair and psychedelic clothes.
Jane Fonda was at the top of the heap.
There’s a movie playing in my head.
Images and conversations from the past.
Sometimes I have to change the channel.
Other times, it’s like watching a favourite film, again.
Do you want to hear my truth?
The scene is too safe and polite.
We need some “Body Art” to stir things up.
A latter-day Allen Ginsberg to shake the rafters.
Whip out your cheque book.
Write me a cheque,
With lots of zeroes on it.
Please don’t let it bounce.
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