Today, I had a great customer service experience. I hit up this one pizza pizza probably once every 3 weeks or so. I get the classic super (or pepperoni...whichever looks more fresh) and then turn it into the $5 combo with garlic dipping sauce, an iced tea, and fries.
It's always the same guy and I guess after my 18 months or so of visiting, the guy has started to remember me. Today, I come in, I get the classic super and then he goes to the fridge and pulls out an iced tea and garlic sauce and asks if I want fries.
Some may get Miranda (bonus: if you get the reference) type feelings over this and wonder if they've been visiting a place too frequently or you can acknowledge the awesome-ness of this guy towards his customer service skills.
We always make some small chit chat, when he delivers the food, he says 'here you go, my friend.'
For a fast food experience, it's great and of course, it ensures that I'll return at some point.
What are some great customer experiences that you've had?
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