I've ended work day #6 in a row and I'm freaking exhausted. I was suppose to 12 days in a row, but I just don't think I have it in me. Between working full time, taking 4 classes through distance, and attempting to be semi social, it's taking a lot out of me.
It's only 9pm and already, I'm set for bed. I've only been up since 7:30 and I got about 8.5 hours sleep last night.
Tonight, I came home and had some veggies w/ dip, finished off Arrested Development season 2 (is there a season 3?), made dinner (egg w/ sausage and yoghurt with apple slices), watched an episode of 'House', and now I'm writing on here before slumber.
Today, I was talking with a work buddy and he's experiencing his first 2 weeks of 40 hour work weeks and a go train commute and it's left him super drained. He literally goes home, watches tv, gets up the next morning and off he goes. I never really understood how ppl that sit all day, go home and sit some more.
In my field, I'm up and about, setting up equipment, playing games, picking up copies from the front office (a good 100 m from my office), and so I'm keeping physical fit, while I work. Though, still feeling lazy for just coming home and watching tv.
My question to you is: how do you unwind after long hours of work?
I surf the Net, go for long walks, do coloured pencil drawings, write poetry, watch DVDs or talk on the phone. That's how I unwind. I had a horrible telemarketing job, once, and I had to go for a long walk, after each shift. All that chi moving through me would wipe out the depression. I hated the job.
Exercise. Or masturbation. Which, can be considered by some to be exercise.
And maybe wine, with cheese and a good movie.
Then a hot shower.
Yes...there is a season 3.
And to unwind it all depends on what you find relaxing...
Me...Surfing the net and finding cool photos, maybe light drawing, throw on a dvd, chat with friends, listen to a book :P
Yeah, I forgot to mention that I love to read books. Have for years. Mostly movie books and actor's biographies.
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