Every year, it completely freaks me out and takes me many weeks to actually call and make an appointment.
This year, it was a little bit easier. My health clinic has finally got the instant HIV test. Instead of agonizing for weeks over everything, at least that one can get out of the way.
It's kinda like a pregnancy test. One blue for 'yeah' or two blues and you get more testing. Before I knew it, the nurse returned with the test and it showed only one blue. So woohoo!!
Now I get to wait the 2 weeks to await no call. Why no call? Cuz no call is good news! A call is not so good news on the STI testing front. So if one Bonnie Case leaves me a message, then I've got me some worry.
So my question for the day is: Do you get tested? How often? Do you freak about it like me?
3x a year! I don't engage in risky behaviour, so it doesn't really freak me out.
haha..I freak out, cuz you never know what you might have. Not cuz of risky behaviour.
If I was engaging in risky behaviour, I'd be getting tested 3x a year like some people. :P
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