Yes, yes...tis my opinion that weddings are not for me whatsoever and here's why...
1) I don't like attention to be centered directly on me. Which is odd, cuz I'm an artist that performs on stages all over. Yet, that's usually only for a certain amount of time. I will never have a wedding of my own for this reason.
I don't celebrate my b-days, host house warming parties, etc. I'm most comfortable alone or with a couple of friends.
2) Any event that involves a suit will not please me. I don't like getting dressed up. I don't really like clothes. I'm perfectly content in a pair of track shorts and that's about it. If I could wear this all day long, life would be so much better.
Yesterday's wedding went like this. Go to my 'rents house, which is 20 min. from wedding. Await to last possible moment and then put on suit. Attend ceremony, drive back home, remove suit. Await to last possible moment and then put on suit. Attend reception, drive back home, talk on phone with Ma, complain that I'm still wearing the suit, remove suit. :)
3) Seated at tables with strangers. Last night was pretty great as only 2 people were strangers, so I was able to speak with the people that I knew and that was about it. A few years ago, I attended a wedding where they divided the couples up...what bullshit...I sat beside my mate, cuz I'm like that.
Thankfully, this wedding had an open bar and had excellent food. I've been to some with a cash bar, which is simply wrong. Plus, the food was either cold, tasteless or just plain ick. If I'm gonna suffer, I better suffer with yummies.
I won't get into a marriage debate here (thou I'm against it), but if you're gonna throw a wedding, please feel free to not invite me. :)
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