The Flip has been a product on my radar for the longest freaking time, but it's never been available in Canada until recently. I even once bought one from the US through ebay, but it didn't get through the border and I just gave up hope.
I finally discover today that they've got their own Canadian site at ca.theflip.com. Odd that it's more expensive on their site than Future Shop or Best Buy, but I guess that's how they roll.
I was gonna just do Future Shop, when I saw that they have a 'do good' section. In particular a 'do good' section for Kiva.
Kiva is one of my favourite organizations out there (until I'm proven otherwise) that's involved with micro lending. Instead of just donating your $, you invest in other ppl. Sure, there's the chance of not making your money back, but I can say that I've been with it for 18 months and never lost a penny. I've invested probably $100 in the site and been able to re-use that four times over. I'm on my 17th loan (of $25) and have utilized returned money to give gift certificates to others too.
So yah, The Flip will charge me 279.99, while it's 264.99 at Future Shop. But if I choose this awesome green coloured Kiva inspired The Flip, they will donate $10 to Kiva. Which is awesome. Plus, I get to advertise Kiva whenever I bust out The Flip.
I'm gonna wait until the morning, but I think this product looks amazing.
What are your thoughts? Have you used one before? Do you think one could make fun mini movies with it?
why not just buy it at FS and then donate the $16 difference (after tax) to Kiva yourself?
Cuz then I don't get the cool Kiva designed flip...
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