I don't know about you, but my sleep is directly linked to my sanity. If I don't get a lot of sleep, I can barely talk, my decision making skills suck ass, and I just make a general fool of myself.
Whenever, I'm on a skank streak...it usually takes a weekend away to clear up my head, get some rest, and make me go 'Fuck Jay, stop being so tarded.' Or if I'm in a LTR and I freak out like crazy, put me to bed, let me sleep and then the world makes sense again.
The worst is assignments/tests. My head just can't focus and if I try to do anything that's gonna be coherent, I need that slumber. Especially, cuz usually I'll wake up early, still be in subsconscious mode and then I can write out some goodness. :)
I don't even need a ton of sleep, I just need the ability to know the next morning that I can get out of bed whenever I please. Ever since I moved into this condo, it's so bright that I wake up with the sun and that's no fun. Then I have to force myself to sleep again.
In conclusion, Jay likes his sleep. Don't you?
1 comment:
Get some thick drapes for your bedroom and keep them closed when you sleep. It works for me. I've had lots of night jobs and sleep late, almost every day.
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