Well it has been quite awhile since I have posted to this site, but now that I have been asked to contribute again I thought what better way then to acknowledge my idol.
Many people have different idols, they may be people you know, people you want to know or people you wish to be like. I was fortunate enough to know my idol from the day I was born. Her name was Olga, and she was the cutest, sweetest woman you could ever meet. Lucky enough for me, she was my Grandma. I love her with all my heart but unfortunately she passed away two weeks ago from Colon Cancer.
In the final months of her life, I really got to spend a lot of time with her and got to know her on a more intimate level then ever before. I would go visit her one to two times a week at her hospital and we would do all types of things. Some days I would go and we would talk, other days I would go and we would play scrabble, or other days it was just watching tv (her favourite shows being Deal or No Deal, or Judge Judy). I don't think I can ever watch those shows again without thinking of her. Grandma was one of those people who was truly special. You could walk in that room and a big smile would come on her face and you would become the center of her attention. It didn't matter if you were related to her or not, she always made you feel welcome and like any other typical Grandmother, she always wanted you to eat. There were days I would sit with her and help her eat her dinner and it might not seem that special but they are moments I will never forget. I have written her a poem which I read at her gravesite the day she was buried and I wanted to share it with all. This is for you Grandma, I love you and will miss you.
I always will love your smiling face
Especially when you and I would embrace
When life got tough I could always go to you
You'd give me a hug and knew exactly what to do
No matter what I did you could never be mad
Having someone fully accept me is what I had
Whenever someone came into your home
You always treated them as one of your own
Going to your house to have Turkey dinner’s
Those apple pies haven't made me any thinner.
The days and nights that we would play games
Now without you it will never be the same
I remember the days we went to the Ex
Life was so easy and so not complex
Remember that night you brought Sexy Back?
You were wearing that cute little shirt in black.
As time went on we all grew older
Not you of course, my little soldier
I always wondered how you could be twenty nine
Just another wonderful trait, of this grandma of mine
I did the 10k, ran most of the way
In my heart you will always stay
You are now with Papa till the end time
Oh beautiful Grandma of mine.
I want to thank Jay for helping me clean up the poem and for being such a wonderful friend during my time of need. I truly couldn't have made it through this time without you and know that I am forever thankful. ; )
Very sweet post ;)
What a cute pic. Welcome back, Maggie82 (formerly known as James82). At least now my family won't confuse me for you.
Long live the spirit of grandma. Full acceptance of all, always welcoming, partying hard into her late age, and scrabble parties forever.
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