That is fucking ELLEN PAGE AND DREW BARRYMORE KISSING. Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore kissing! Kissing! Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore! Ellen! Drew!
Okay I'll stop.
There have been rumours about both of them not being exactly straight and more rumours about both of them not being exactly straight with each other and so I was a little excited. This was my mental monologue, "They're together! They're together and they're coming out to Marie Claire. Note: Buy Marie Claire. Oh shit, that means they're both off the market. Dammit. Dammitdammit. Calm down OrneryCornery, like you even had a chance. Well I can dream can't I? Yea whatever now shut up and stop staring like a creeper, that guy in the corner is looking at you weird".
So that was my reaction. And then I read the interview on Marie Claire. Apparently they are just really good friends. Bummer.
But this brings up something. I love lesbian couples. I genuinely crush on two lesbians who are clearly so in love with each other. And I'm not the only one.
It's not even just celebrities. I have two friends who I'll call A and B. A and B have been together since I've known them and they are just so goddamn cute together. They hold hands and whenever I see them I just want to envelope them in my arms and squish them like little bunnies. I of course don't do this because I understand personal space but I can't help my thoughts. What? Don't look at me like that.
So anyway where does this come from? Is it a lack of representation? All day everyday I see straight couples pass the dingo to each other and I just want to see some queer action? Why do I (and many others) go all Twilight for gay girls together?

When I heard about this, it simply seemed like exploitation. I love Ellen and Drew. But Drew's directing her first movie and has to drum up some publicity. So she makes out with a fellow star and now ppl will talk about it and the movie. Did they make out during the movie? Are they lovers? Can we get a Kristen, Eve, Ellen, Drew 4some going on?
It's a hot pic, it'll sell movie tickets and magazines - do I think it's contrived? Oh yah...
Agreed, hot pic (hello air brush!)...but it's better than having them talk about their new roller derby movie like it's art.
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