It's new TV season and my PVR has been working overtime. I've been recording anything remotely interesting and have been squeezing in a show or two before bed each night. Luckily (or unluckily if you are my roommate), I've had a nasty cold for the past week so I've had more down time than usual. Here's my guide to fall TV.
Melrose Place - I never watched the original so I can't compare. But this has got to be the campiest piece of crap on the air. I love it. Ashlee Simpson-Wentz-Arquette (or whatever) is the worst actress I've ever seen on a major show. As for plot, there's something about a murder, high class hookers, career climbing PR girls, and lots of inexplicably shirtless men. My grade: A- (even better while drinking)
America's Next Top Model - Mentally ill Tyra Banks again hosts this season. Only girls 5'7" or under are allowed. This show is getting further removed from reality and the modelling world as it goes on. It's business as usual with bitchiness, unrealistic photo shoots and ridiculous outfits. My grade: D+ (only for hard core fans)
Glee - I just watched the first three episodes yesterday and I have to say I'm mildly impressed. It's like High School Musical on acid. The hour long format drags a little, but I think I may become a regular viewer. My grade: B
Cougar Town - Courtenay Cox stars as...you guessed it a cougar Mom raising her son. The pilot had some funny moments and it's far better than any of those fat dad/hot mom/wacky kid sitcoms. Not sure if this has staying power. My grade: C+ (needs a really good second episode)
Being Erica - A CBC comedy/fantasy/drama set in Toronto. Erica has a list of regrets and her mysterious therapist lets her go back and relive them. I was a big fan of this show last year and this year it's gotten even better. The first season is out on DVD if you need to catch up, but they do a good job of summarizing 12 episodes in the first 2 minutes of the new season. My grade: A
The Cleveland Show - I love Family Guy and American Dad so you'd think this show would be one my faves. Not so much. There are a few funny moments - Cleveland's new neighbors are randomly a family of bears (like the ones in the forest, not the Black Eagle). But the jokes are flat and the characters not funny. I will give it a few more episodes but it needs to get funny, FAST. My grade: C-
Can't wait for the new 30 Rock, which starts October 15th. What shows are you watching this season? Tru Blood, Mad Men, Dexter...so many to choose from.
1 comment:
You missed the original Melrose Place?? Where were you?? Kimberly, Michael, Jane, Amanda...oh wait, they're almost all back on this version too. I won't watch any 90210/MP remakes...the original should just air instead. ;)
Cougar Town was really funny. I had low hopes for it.
I highly recommend Modern Family too. Al Bundy back on tv and a gay couple adopting a child from korea - comic gold. :)
Glee is only good in parts. Mostly the musical and Jane Lynch parts.
Big Bang Theory is great too.
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