You may or may not be aware that I don't just run a blog, there's a bit more.
a jay stewart project was started over a year ago as a way to highlight the work that i create and those that i believe in. you can find more info at my presently poorly update website, ajaystewartproject.com
I mention the company as we have some present and upcoming opportunities that I'd like some assistance with and your involvement is key. Though located in Toronto, Canada, you can assist from wherever you are.
For all opportunities, send me an e-mail at jay@ajaystewartproject.com
Current Project #1 - THIS BLOG! - Lets Be Vain - Bloggers Wanted
You visit, so why not write for it? As you can tell, you can write about anything that you want. Porn, flowers, novels, pantomime, it's all good!
Current Project #2 - Say Something! - Online show - New shows wanted
Say Something! is an irregularly scheduled show that featured queer hosts talking about whatever is on their minds from politics to lovers to pop culture. I'd like to encourage other individuals to grab some friends and create their own online shows. If you need help putting it together, I'm happy to assist.
Upcoming project #1 - Hard & Able: celebrating queer disability -Artists / Volunteers Wanted
Thanks to a grant from the Community One organization, this event will feature artists that identify as both queer and disabled. I really want to encourage those with visible and invisible disabilities to showcase themselves. You may or may not know that I identify as hearing impaired and wear hearing aids in each ear. Disability has never held me back and I think it's important that artists that are queer and disabled take a moment to celebrate these two traits.
In late summer (TBA), there will be a cabaret event to feature these artists. If you'd like to be included as a feature artist (10 min set) or a performer (3-5 min) set, please let me know by e-mail.
If you'd like to volunteer your awesome skills as stage crew, graphic designer, printer, event co-ordinator, etc ....e-mail me :)
Upcoming project #2 - Not The Only One - Videographers / Editors / Website Designers /Confessions Wanted
Creating a website where individuals would post up videos of what makes them an individual/sometimes feel like an outcast. In a positive way, it would be a celebration of individuality. It can range from the serious, "I always felt like I was the only queer kid in my rural high school.' to the not so serious 'I feel like I'm the only one who's obsessed with She-ra and Care Bear cartoons.'
I'm looking for individuals w/ some sorta video camera that would like to take on the responsibility of videotaping those that wish to confess their individuality! Which leads to us needing confessors to state why it is that they individually rock so much! Which then leads to editors that'll edit these videos. Which means that a web designer is required to come up with a great simple site that can easily display these created videos. :)
A lot of information in one e-mail, again, if you're in the least bit interested, then send me an e-mail at jay@ajaystewartproject.com. Generally, most of the gigs are non-paying, but I can probably work out an honourarium. No harm in asking or applying for any of the gigs...looking more at passion/committment than proven skills. :)
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