I caught the last few minutes of American Idol last night as I prepped to watch 'Glee' and was floored by what I saw. All I've been reading about everywhere is how this Adam Lambert lad is going to win and how wonderful it'll be and blah blah blah. COME ON!!! The dude is fugly to the max. My vote goes to Kris Allen. Just look at him! Super cute, plays the guitar and is someone that I can see creating some cool simple tunes a la John Mayer and Jack Johnson. What's Adam gonna do? Bring back acid rock?? Not on my watch!!!
Yah, yah...Gaybert is apparently going to break down all the 'gay walls' - let's just wait and see. Instead, I'll take me some Kris Allen. Look at that mouth, the boy's got blow job lips and a nice loose jaw. Let's put this boy to work!

Awww....that's just the cutest picture ever. No eye liner, stupid nail polish and not an obvious dye job. Just a good ol' boy who's super cute and would be great to wake up next beside and be inside. ;)

Finally, we all need a good shirtless pic to determine if our lust is warranted. The pic is 4 years old, but 4 year ago, he was rocking quite the nice pecs and biceps. Looks like he's slimmed down a bit for American Idol, but me still likeths.
It's too late to vote, but let's hope that Kris' career lasts leaps and bounds over that Lambert fella who can headline the new revival of Rocky Horror Picture Show. :P
Oh and no, I haven't heard Kris sing once and only Adam once, but as this is a popularity contest and not a singing contest, this is why I feel I'm warranted in choosing Kris.
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