If I do end up finding a fling for summer, it'll be my first Spring & Summer flings within the same year. I seem to have this knack of finding someone in April and then it lasts for a minimum of 11 months to max. of 2 years. This year, I started something in March and was hoping that it'd get me through to the summer.
So with a brand new start, I get to start dating again in May and I plan on enjoying it as much as possible as last time. If you recall from earlier blogs, I had the pleasure of dating 4 diff. guys hoping that it'd get narrowed down. Those all didn't pan out, then it was 2 new one's, nixed one and tried it with another.
The odds weren't really in our favour from the start, but it was certainly fun while it lasted. Friendship hopefully on the horizon, 'cuz he's one of the few that can honestly make me laugh hard. Future relationship material...nah! Good buds, here's hoping.
On that note, I put to the universe that I will avoid the following things in my Summer fling(s):
1) No more tops. I get them all to turn, but it's just a bit of a hassle. I love challenges and this is obviously a big one that I always succeed at accomplishing, but let's pass this time. :)
2)No more saving. As I'm a social work academic, I have the urge to take on projects that I think I can benefit from and them from me. For now on, I'm a gonna get me someone that's much more awesome than I.
3) Let's just ignore age. Close to my age or older by max. 4 has been my rule of thumb, FUCK IT! I'm gonna try to be open to all ages.
4) You gotta have passion in either your work or for some hobby. Too many party boys, I need someone who's busy like me trying to improve themselves or the world around them.
I think that's about it. If you've dated me or know me, feel free to add other things that I should stray from. :P
In my own words from my future underground so-so hit, Summer Fling...
"It's about time for a summer fling, someone get me a big ding a ling. All the animals be panting in heat, but they ain't the only one's craving meet."
Let the summer flinging begin!
stray tall boring white boys! explore the magic of short hyper-active guatemalans :)
lol...oh right, forgot about that one! i'll try my best. :P
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