Read it. - I have never been tortured, even in a pleasurable way. I can't imagine thinking that I live in a civilized world and somebody slicing my fucking genitals for answers.
Read it. - I have serious issues with tasers. But I have more serious issues with stupidity! You order someone to lie down or be tased? They lie down and you don't jump in the way to save a kid from being run over by a car?
Read it. - 20, 000 people are out of work. Now that's a problem! 20, 000 who may be supporting whole families, so this could impact upwards of 100,000. Let's not forget that now that this person can't buy goods/services, the impact increases substantially.
Read it - I've only seen fire in a scary sense once in my life. It was down the road and a house was on fire. My Dad took pictures of the scene and of the sky. I can't imagine fire so strong that it can kill more than a hundred people.
Now that world is a bit more in perspective, what's my problem?
I'm crushing on 4 different people and don't know what to do? Any suggestions?
have a cold shower, romeo!
that was me!
If you have 4 crushes happening, date all 4 and you will soon realize who you want to spend the most time with. You may need to date 2 of them, for a while, before the cream rises to the top. You'll know.
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