Yesterday, I spoke about my latest experience in the profile realm. After the online show that I co-host, Say Something!, I chatted with a good friend, Ryan G. Hinds. From that conversation comes my top 10 pet peeves about profile sites. Enjoy!
1) People with 'cute', 'hottie', 'sexy' or any of the like in their nicknames. I will pass judgment on whether you receive those labels, you should not self identify.
2) Pictures w/ animals, esp. dogs. Many of us live in the city, in apartments, people shouldn't have dogs in apartments. The dog can't run freely around and if your dog barks all day, while you're at work...it's disruptive to the neighbours.
3) Pictures w/ friends. Am I the only one that is usually more attracted to a person's friends than the actual person I should be looking at?
4) Multiple pictures with a thousand different looks. I want to know what you look like now. Not when you were at your skinniest, or when you dyed your hair orange.
5) Long ass profile bios...keep it concise and short. Tell me if you have a job, go to school, and a few things that you enjoy about life.
6) No picture whatsoever. I'm sorry, but I stopped having invisible sex years ago.
7) Shirtless shots with the tummy tuck. If you're going to post a shirtless shot, then show me what you look like shirtless. I don't like people who suck their tummy in. Show me the goods!! If we get together, I'm going to see if eventually.
8) Don't post nudes. There's something terribly boring about seeing it all. I like to be a little surprised. While at some point, I'll probably ask for measurements, it doesn't mean that I want to see exactly what it looks like.
9) No more poses, seriously let's stop posing. The chin tilt down, the hand in the air, the death stare into the camera...fuck it all.
10) Once we've connected, swapped msns, let's not spend the next few weeks chatting like crazy. Bust down that internet door, get into the real world, and let's see if we gel.
What are your profile pet peeves?
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