So since this is my first post, I thought it would be appropriate to title this with something suggestive, like the popping of cherries, because like always you will all find that I relate everything back to sex.
Dirty? No. I'm just honest.
And speaking of the popping of cherries, what better topic to write about than our own cherry poppings? Was it memorable? Was it horrible? Do you even remember? We should have a poll of some kind so once I figure out how to do that, I'll set it up. But until then, I feel that I should open myself up to you gentle readers and reveal to you all, my first time :) [But of course, I have to give you all some back story because if I were to just tell you all about my first time, it'd be over in three sentences and that does NOT make for a very good blog post.]
My first time was when I was 17. For me, high school was actually pretty decent, but thinking back I feel like as if maybe I had peaked (how depressing is THAT?!) because with the exception of Grade 11, every other year pretty much rocked. So in that horrible junior year of high school, I was gay and closeted (to a certain degree, primarily at home) and dealing with a whole lot of internal homophobia. I was angry, my marks dropped and that was when my teachers noticed "something was wrong." So during all of this inner turmoil, some guy from a neighbouring high school messaged me on meetmeinto.com (remember when that was relevant?) and started chatting with me. I added him to msn, and for a few days we just got to know one another. He went to Alex Mac, had a girlfriend, was Greek (hehe) and drove some sort of cool car that he got second hand and got to "fix up." Straight men love fixing up cars.
So one evening we spoke about hooking up, and hook up we did. I gave in because I was angry and horny. He picked me up, we drove to the back lot behind my old elementary school and on that cool October night(I think), in the back of his cool second hand car, was where I first touched another guys tenders. And put it in my mouth. And spit out the evidence. After it was over I knew for sure that I was totally gay, because throughout the entire experience I felt completely normal. We messed around a few more times after that, but stopped after a while. Apparently, having another boys tenders in his mouth didn't really sit well with him.
No cherries were popped, but I'll save that for another day, as well as my take on what constitutes as "sex" for queer people.
So how about you guys?
How was your first sexual experience?
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