For those of you that have the luxury of taking transit, you can skip right over today's posting.
For the rest of us, here are my simple tips:
1) The indicator is for ME, not YOU!!! Putting your indicator on at the last minute does nobody any good. You indicate early with the FLASHING LIGHT, so that I know that you're about to cut me off and I can be prepared.
2) Turn your lights on in low visibility. Low visibility means fog, raining, darkness, snow, WHATEVER!! This time, it's for both you and me! Especially for me and on days like this and there's fog! I can't see 2 foot in front of me, but I will see your lights and this'll ensure that I don't slam my car right into you.
3) Don't tail gate...seriously...STAY THE FUCK AWAY!!! In nice weather, if I slam on my brakes, you will hit me and be at fault. In crappy weather, you will hit me, I will hit person in front of me and you will back up traffic for hours on end. So just back up, take a chill pill and give my car some space!
4) Please, please, please ignore shit on the side of the road. You're driving along in a huge traffic jam and you reach a point and there's a car on the side of the road, just sitting there, not damaged, just sitting there. You pass the car and traffic speeds up. Why? Cuz every dumb fuck has to slow down to look at a car. That's stupid, don't do that!
5) Merging is my final tip! Merging is very simple, if we all just follow the same practice. Drive to the end of the lane and merge into traffic. Now that's one side of it. The one already driving with traffic has to let one car in as they see it coming. Merging is complete and all are happy. The problem is that most drivers are DICKS!!! Either they merge too early or people don't let somebody in, then a fight ensues and it just backs up traffic.
So now if we'll all just follow these 5 simple tips, traffic congestion will cease to exist. *waves magic fairy wand*
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