I ranted about this last night on Say Something! and I'm going to do it a bit more here.
If you haven't heard about it, google or check out this link here.
A lady had 8 babies...this is pretty fascinating shit! Instead of celebrating this feat, there's been nothing but hate sent her way. And I'm about to go all Chris Crocker on you all when I say, 'LEAVE HER ALONE!!!.'
She has 6 other kids, she's young, who cares...it's her right to have some babies. It's not our right to shove it back in her face or bring up stupid shit like she's depressed. One in two people suffer from depression...so eat shit and die. :P Plus, she's just had 8 babies...can we say postpartum depression? Another super serious mental illness.
Worst of all, this woman's Mother has stated that once she returns home, she isn't going to support her any more. Can you imagine being that much of a bitch?? Then being open about being that much of a bitch? Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad!!!
Friggin Gerber's, you know the baby food people, we're all 'if we had plans on donating food, we would have announced it already.' They can't even give these babies a freakin jar of food??? Lame!!!
Now where am I coming from? I'm waving my child and youth care flag right in front of all your faces. Let's build up some supports for this Mom, cuz she's going to need it. Hell, my 'rents had 3 and we had a nanny. She's got 14!!! 8 of which are babies!!! Let's bring the community together, create a babysitting schedule, get corporate sponsors, hell somebody call Ty Pennington and build this gal a house!!!
It's easy to knock each other down, it's much harder to do something good for somebody else.
Peace out!
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