Though I think I would've drawn something a bit more impressive. Look at those testicles, they're so tiny, thou well shaved. I'm guessing this one's cut, though there's a big slit down the top of the head and that can't be comfortable whatsoever.
Growing up, I was always the timid middle child that never got into much trouble. I beat my lil' bro good, mouthed off a lot, but that was about it. I don't recall vandalizing anything, beside my school binders/agenda (I loved to doodle). I was bound to violent outbursts when I got in trouble, but that involved stomping up the stairs, slamming the door and then destroying my room. Which was stupid, cuz then I'd have to clean it all up.
What's the worst thing that you ever did to your parents as a kid (you know, besides being born)?
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It's a whorehouse for helicopter pilots.
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