Oh Kiva is a bit of a ho. She wants your $ and she needs it now. She has many mouths to feed and she's not afraid to come back and ask for more. There's a chance you'll see your money again, but that's a chance that you take. Ok, end of trying to write something all hip and cool. :P
Check out Kiva.org to find out all about it. I've been on for a year and at first was very skeptical. But I'm happy to report that it's true, you lend money and then it comes back to you. Seriously!!! No donating, just lending. It's called microfinancing and as I understand, it's a little bit of genius.
Why just throw your cash away, when you can lend it, then re-lend, and lend some more? You lend in $25 increments and I've put in $125 and it's all come back. I've then lent it out again or used it to give gift certificates for other friends to test it out. Or if you need the funds back, you just withdraw the money and go on your merry way.
The cool thing is that there's such a variety on there that you can fund pretty much anything. I tend to choose guys close to my age who wants funds for stuff that I'd never do. Mostly cuz on a site like this, I feel that females are more likely to get attention. Second, cuz I can empathize with people my age trying to make something of themselves. Plus, I get to be a 'part' of some cool shit. I've helped ppl buy more cattle, run a rice shop, fix motor bikes...that shit is cool!!
Sooooooo what are some ways that you help to make the world a little bit better?
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