I think that each week/day/second of our lives, we learn new things about ourselves/the world/whatever.
Here are some things that I've learned:
That honesty means something different to everybody. One person's version of honesty may not be another's. This is why clarity is so important. Feelings are less likely to be hurt, if we're just clear and honest with one another.
If you want somebody to do a task, just ask them how you can help them. An employee at work has been consistently late. I asked them to be punctual and then asked what I could do to help them be successful. They saw that I genuinely cared and wasn't trying to be a dick and *presto*, they're now on time...for now.
The universe works in its own way and you just need to let it do its work. 3 cancelled dates, 1 bad date, and a new light is presented. It doesn't always work out how you want it to, but it does always work out.
Music makes me happy. No matter what mood that I am, I can always turn to music (my own or others). Plus, if I need to clean, I just need to put on some music and the cleaning magically happens on its own. Dancing in your underwear to music and cleaning is a great combination too.
Not being in contact with someone for a few days is surprisingly freeing. I thought I'd spend my time thinking about them and their trip. Instead, I didn't even think about them until they popped back into my life. I'm still debating if this means that I can live without them in my life or just don't need to be as involved in there's.
I enjoy doing things for others and my friends - esp. when it's just me doing for them. Granted, I get that satisfaction of being helpful, but it's just good to help another out.
Bartering is super fucking awesome!! In this last week, I've exchanged for massage therapy and kick boxing lessons. Connecting with new people and sharing skills brings me happiness. Especially with comments like 'oh I thought this would really suck, but you can actually teach.'
What lessons has this last week given you?
a) I'm learning to speak up a bit more and make sure I'm heard by my superior
b) shopping at goodwill/value village is best done early in the week before 3 pm.
c) Dreaming feels good, but action feels better (if sometimes scary)
1) That I need to live in the present
2) That money will come to me if I am patient
3) Honesty is the best policy
4) I meet so many more people being myself then someone else.
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