Friday, March 27, 2009

Am I suppose to twit now?

I'm always behind the times with all these IM/profiles/social networking type things. I was IRC-ing, when it was time to hit I was on ICQ, when people had switched over to MSN. Now I'm facebooking, when I'm supposed to be twittering. Honestly, I just don't understand any of it.

Back when I was IRC-ing, it was an outlet to talk to other queers and find ppl to cam with...oh them were the days. was never as exciting as everybody wanted a picture and I'd just rather not be judged on my looks. Fall for my wit and then you can see if I look like a git. :P

I would say 2 years ago, I was finally convinced to get on myspace. It was the thing to do, EVERYBODY was doing it. It was super super cool. For artistic reasons (i.e. expand the fanbase and promote stuff), I joined up, I got a few myspace friends and then the whole thing died out. It was when facebook was becoming super popular and everybody switched onto that.

Facebook was soooo cool, you could find all your friends that you long had lost touch with. Which I never understand, if I lost touch with's cuz I don't like you. Otherwise, I'd track your ass down. You can have network of friends and add their friends and invite people to events and blah blah. I didn't get this one either. Yet again for artistic purposes, I signed up and now have over 100 'friends.'

Now comes along this twitter, which from what I understand is simply telling people what you're up to. So I take a shit, I twit that and then everybody knows. I fuck, I twit that and then everybody knows. I decide to twit, so I twit that and everybody knows. :) I just don't understand it. I don't want to know anybody's every move of the day. If something exciting is in their life, they can let me know.

For now, I'm sticking with my trusty's ol' school, but I like it.

1 comment:

Philip Cairns said...

I think a lot of people are addicted to the Net. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, email, fave sites. You could spend the whole day online. Your whole fucking life. It's getting ridiculous.