Monday, March 16, 2009

Is Mickey Rourke Hot?

I saw 'The Wrestler' on Saturday night and I really enjoyed it. It's a very simple story and everything kinda falls into place as you would expect. It's shot like a documentary, which some people probably won't like. It has some cool wrestling scenes, where you discover that it's all fake, but actually not always. Seeing glass in people's back and barbed wire...not so much fun.

The best part is certainly Mickey Rourke. The whole time this wrestler is in pain and you can't help but wonder, if Mickey's in the same amount of pain. Which is kinda what made the film interesting to me. Is he acting or not?

On a side note and it explains the title of this Mickey Rourke hot or not? My boss and I were talking about the movie and she's all 'Mmmmm...he was soo hot in 9 1/2 weeks' and I'm like 'Oh...never saw it!' and she goes 'Yah, everybody wanted him after that, then he became a boxer, fucked his face up, and now he's ugly.'

But I guess that if he was ever cute (and I don't think he was), he'd never be able to pull off a role like he does in 'The Wrestler.' So it's kinda like it was meant to be. I think he was definitely robbed of the Oscar as Sean Penn wasn't anything special. He played gay, but whatever...he already got an Oscar a few years ago. Why not throw Mickey a freakin bone and acknowledge his great work.

Two things...1) watch the movie, it's good and 2) is/was Mickey Rourke ever hot in your eyes?

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