44% of you really really like your hands. I have to ask 'huh?' - what is about your hands? I must not have very nice hands, cuz nobody's ever really focused on them. My bro laughs at my skinny fingers, but that's about it. I once knew a girl who had dwarf hands, her pinky was the size of my 2nd toe. Though, I do have finger toes...those creep people out.
Speaking of feet, only one person really likes their feet for 5% of the vote. Which is understandable, I know so many people who hate their feet. I don't really have a problem with feet. I hate socks, so I say let your freak feet fly.
The 2nd highest total in vanity land was the face, 33% of you think your whole face is your best feature. Which I think is important, if you don't like your face...then it's hard to get through the day. Unless your partial to scarves or hoodies to try and hide it. Or just good at make-up. Haha...I've recently discovered that boys are using foundation to hide their blemishes...oh silly boys and their drive towards perfection.
11% of you were into your nose, lips, legs, ass, genitalia, and arms. I like a little nose, like a cute little button. I don't notice lips all that much, unless a girl is wearing a really strong colour. Legs, I can definitely appreciate. Chicken legs are cute and fun to laugh at...but a little meat is nice. Ass, work that ass...yah, I can def. appreciate the ass. Genitalia is always an interesting one. Cuz like you don't see what someone looks like unless they post a pic or you get naked with them. So it's always one of those mysteries and even then...if it's dark...you may not see it so well. Nice biceps are key and triceps that don't flap in the wind. :)
Our other 2nd top total with 33% are the eyes. Ppl really notice my eyes, I don't notice others' eyes. Well I notice them, if I can't see them. Cuz I'm all about the eyes being a window into the soul.
Alritey now that we've loved our bodies, how do you torture yours?? By torture, I mean what fast food junk do you allow into it? Why do I ask? Yesterday, I went to visit my grandma and pre-hospital trip, I had Wendy's (chicken go wrap with fries and iced tea) and then post-trip, I had swiss chalet (quarter chicken white w/ salad and iced tea). By the time, I got home my face felt like all the oil wanted to just burst out of it. Soooooooo in the last month, where have you dined in the effort to destroy your body? :)
Vote on the poll on the right!!!
Hands are an artist's goldmine. Lots of artists have beautiful hands. After all, that's what we use to create unless we are the guy from "My Left Foot".
Oh ok, I guess I get the whole hands thing now.
Kai - I think I just puked a little (maybe a lot) in my mouth.
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