Monday, December 7, 2009

Things I don't get this week...

There are things that I'm just not quite understanding right now, perhaps you'd like to help me to figure 'em out.

#1 - Why does the TTC feel the need for more staff?
They've announced that a 2 week project to get more people onto the subway at Yonge has been a success and will become permanent.  They cited more riders getting on. 

Didn't they just do a fare increase, where they stated that with every fare increase they lose customers?  Now they're using/wasting staff to stand there and direct traffic? 

A fare increase is being used to cover services they can't already afford and now they're introducing new (stupid) services. 

I don't get it

#2 - There's another bathroom, so use it.

I took the LSATs this weekend and at break, there was a mad dash for the bathrooms.  I got in first and was thankful.  I walked around a  bit and spotted bathrooms across the hall.  I went back and told a group of girls standing 10 deep in line and they just smile and nodded.

The break is only 15 minutes, there was 5 minutes left.  Why would you continue to stand in line and not go shit/piss elsewhere?  Why stick with what ain't working instead of trying something new?

I don't get it...again.

#3 - I already have a sense that Tiger Woods is going to get off (haha) for having a slew of whores.

I guess I can kinda get this.  Tiger Woods makes a lot of people a shit ton of money.  People are extremely invested in him.  In fact, I'd say that the entire golf industry is reliant upon Tiger continuing in the sport.

But where's the fucking Christian Right?  Like why will they spend way too much money on ads against a group of good loving folks wanting to get married and not launch a campaign against Tiger.

When nude pics are released, sexual voice mails, etc, they ain't doing anything and yet Lambert humps a guy's face and they send in 1500 complaints!!!

Plus, I just don't get Tiger Woods.  Kid has everything going for him, so why not just divorce your wife and be a big ol' whore???  Hook up with Lindsay Lohan, destroy your fortune, etc.  Or better yet, be smarter about what you're doing.  Don't send texts, leave voicemails and don't send cock pics on your cell.

I seriously don't get it.

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