It's Friday and I feel the need to confess my love for the world's first self proclaimed super model, Miss Janice Dickinson.
I haven't followed her career and I know nothing about her rise to the top. Apparently, she has a few books detailing them, but unless she does an audio recording of them herself, I'll never give them a go.
What I do know is that Miss Janice makes for some fucking awesome TV. Back three ex's ago, we had little in common, so we'd watch tv to pass the time. One of the shows, we watched was ANTM (that's America's Next Top Model for any straight males that read this blog). As a judge, she brought the sass and the attitude that was needed. When I broke up with the ex, I lost Janice too.
Then something happened last Friday that I'm finally prepared to confess. Instead of working on my assignment, like I told many people that I would be doing, I discovered the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. I had heard about this show and I think caught an episode before, but this is the first time that I went online and watched and watched and watched. One would be correct in inferring that I stayed up till 4am to watch all of season 4.
Now what's the show about??? Well Janice has started her own agency, so she can find the next big thing and impart all of her knowledge to the next crop of models. The show is high drama, high on eye candy, and actually high on good advice.
Janice makes for good TV, cuz she's loud, rude, and blunt. She says what she wants and most of the time, it makes sense. :) She's been in the biz for 30 years and she knows what to expect out of her models and clients. This season is great, cuz she builds a model house and the models move in with Janice living in the basement watching all the going on's.
The eye candy is AMAZING!!! Janice seems to book her males/females for all sorts of bathing suits and underwear gigs. Her favourite saying seems to be 'take off your clothes' and the people just do it. I know I want to be able to walk into work and say 'take off your clothes' but alas, I'd probably get arrested for that.
Finally, there's actually some good advice too. Fake or not, Janice cares genuinely for those around her. As a former addict and alcoholic, she flips on any mention of drugs and actually fires one model over a joke about crack. When working with a model who cuts herself due to childhood trauma, she self reveals about growing up with a pedofile father to offer some comfort and guidance. Plus, when suspecting a model has an eating disorder, she hounds her to get at the truth. Finally, 2 seasons in a row, she's rejected allowing a model to join the agency until they graduate high school.
Yah, if you caught that last slip up, I'm now watching season 3. I'm only a few episodes in, but I'll be done this and probably the first 2 by the time you read this post.
What's your confession of the week?
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