Hello dreamers,
It's Monday and so another chapter in the land of unrealistic land. In this edition, we discuss the most unrealistic 'holy' day of the year, X-mas!!!
With many a hints of falsehood, this is my most favourite time of the year!!! It's cold, X-mas songs on repeat, and there's many a gifts to purchase for ppl.
In my land, there would be no gifts exchanged, merely hugs and kisses and the occasional stroke. :) Families would be barred from seeing each other and this would be the GREATEST thing ever! Imagine, you wake up and there's tons of presents, but no family to deal with. No Mama stressing over turkey dinner, no brother being annoying and no Grandmas figuring out ways to manipulate the situation. :)
Unrealistically, everybody merely teleports in for a few moments of good tidings and then zooms out. I spend the day wrapped up in a lover's embrace and celebrate the day with multiple O's instead of multiple 'Oh my, we're late for the next event.'
In a trippy haze, my final wish is that the presents received are items that one really needs and not more crap for one's car or new place or plaid boxers (eick to boxers).
So with much merryment, I eagerly await my unrealistic day of actual bliss this X-mas day!
What do you dream of for this holiday season?
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