But my eyes haven't been totally glazed over with sheer 16-year old teen fervor, which I thought would happen.
There are certain things that seem to gnaw away at me that no one else seems to bring up.
I know...blasphemy...but here goes.
1. The story is, of course, compelling...but the writing is...dreadful.
Well...in the first book. Freak...it reads LIKE a 16 year old wrote the whole thing. If I read the word "topaz" one more time I was gonna scream. The second one seems a bit better. Looks like ole Steph found herself some adjectives in this one.
Although there are still some really, really dreadful lines.
"His eyes looked sad...My eyes looked mad" *barf* Hmmm...when did i have lasagna?
I haven't got a chance to read the others yet. Let's just hope that her writing is like that game in Price is Right with the yodeling hiker and the mountain. Where you watch as things keep going up and up on this slope and hope it doesn't fall over the edge. Meyer step out from your ego and look up Anne Rice...a true vampire novelist.
2. The novels are so whiney ie. Bella is so whiney. If this is how rebel-outcast-17 year-old girls think, maybe there's a reason novels aren't usually produced from their perspective. You just want to shake her and say "Hey...your life ain't so bad. Why not try living in the world sometime and suck it up". There are times when I had to take a break just to keep my sanity.
The movie had its problems too.
1. I know the budget was less than $40 mill and they could only film Kristen for like 3 hours a day since she was under 18, but still. Did everything have to look so cheesy? Why did it look like a Canadian produced tv show rather than a wicked episode of Charmed? Please even Charmed did a better job with far less than $40 million smackers.
2. The movie also seemed to just take place in one long week. I thought it was supposed to be a school year. What ever happened to seasons? snow? holidays? anything. C'mon...take a note from Mean Girls director lady and put something in there that makes it seem as if time is passing. It makes things more believeable if you let things blossom over it.
3. I think I needed more..."Oomph". More of an impact in certain scenes. Things just seemed a little flowery and childlike. I thought it'd be a little more like True Blood on HBO, darker and more satiating. True Blood is like that first gasp of air after you've been underwater for far too long. Twilight was more of a gasp of air after you've drank water down the wrong tube.
4. Casting I think was Hot/Cold, thanks Katy Perry. The bad ones: Eric, Tyler, Jasper, Rosalie (aka Fatty), and Esme (aka awful reconstructed Grey's Anatomy chick).
My main reason to go see it was because of Edward and Bella.
The boy who plays Edward, Robert Pattinson, is smolderingly good looking, and I've found him dreamy since he played Cedric in Harry Potter. I die. I die. Good American accent too.
And Bella, Kristen Stewart, well...I've thought she's rocked since Panic Room. Although before this, I tried asking people if they knew who she was and 4 out of 5...wait...make that 9 out of 10 times people gave me a blank stare. The 1 would kinda squint pretending to recognize the name, but I think they were just trying to be nice or make me stop riddling them with movies that they might remember with her in them.
Don't get me wrong. I am thoroughly enjoying the books...now. The characters are growing on me and delving deeper into their history is quite intriguing. But those little things are points I just had to get out there.
I didn't mean to rip things apart if you were a die hard fan.
Oh god...was I too whiney?
Am I just as whiney as Bella????
*worried look*
Number 1: Don't lie to the blogosphere...you don't read. You do books on tape. :P Now that must be even worse having to hear those words read aloud. Speaking of which, who does the audio recordings?? Steph or an actor?
Number 2 - Book #3 and #4 are much better!! Everybody dies in the end, but it's well worth it. :)
Number 3 - I've no interest in the movie, but I'll watch OnDemand a year from now.
Number 4 - Good post, keep 'em up. :)
the two of you are so twinky it hurts.
People who read or go to Twilight are either twinks or emo.
Can't we be both??
I've heard of twinky emos before.
And it's an actor who reads them...not Steph...god that'd be more awful.
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