It's Friday and it's time for me to make a confession.
While I wanted to give myself a new challenge, that's not the only reason that I started this blog.
Granted, I did just end my one year of of sobriety challenge and so I needed a new challenge, so I've been writing every day and will continue to do so for 30 days.
But the real reason that I started this blog and on blogspot.com of all places is Mason Wyler (visit www.masonwyler.com).
I have been following Mason's career since he first was 'straight' on corbinfisher.com and to his many many many others vids that involve topping, bottoming, orgies and solos.
I found out about his blog on blogspot through gaypornblog.com after they did an article about Mason being raped. There was some controversy around him being raped as apparently some other porn stars thought that it was a publicity stunt. Well rape kits and police reports later, it was revealed to be true.
There's something about reading Mason's posts that makes him seem more 'human.' It's not every day that you chat up a porn star (lol...well it does happen to me on occasion) and get to know about their favourite video games. ;) Sure, he certainly does love to talk about sex, but who doesn't? He's a bottom cum slut and apparently proud of it. But he's a geek too and proud of that aspect as well. :P
So now how does Mason's blog lead me to my blog?? Well it's simple, I have a side to me that not everybody always gets to see. While I'm not into material goods, care deeply about human rights, and love to joke around, I have many very vain moments. These moments aren't always apparent to everybody. Now they should be. :)
What is interesting is how people that don't know me (or the other writers) will decide to judge us based merely on these postings? I used to post for another site (pitcher.wordpress.com) but haven't for awhile. A lot of my stuff on there was very serious queer issues oriented and it takes me much longer to come up with good thorough arguments on that.
Here, I can write a usual post in less than 10 min and edit it in less than 2. Plus for a Virgo who can definitely be a perfectionist, it's definitely more about the quantity vs. the quality here. :)
So thank you Mason Wyler for starting your blog, cuz without it, this place wouldn't exist.
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