There's a reason why I go out to a club for 10:30. There's a reason why I don't work with children under the age of 5. There's a reason why I hate going out to dinner. There's reason why I'm blunt and up front with my questions. I HAVE NO FREAKIN PATIENCE!
I loathe, loathe, loathe lines. Stick me in a line and be prepared to hear me bitch and moan and complain. When I was a 19 year old twink, I would very loudly complain about having to stand in line behind all the old and ugly people. Now I just go at 10:30 and avoid all such frustration. Plus, now I don't drink, so I'm not standing in line to get a drink or for the bathrooms. It's wonderful!!!
Children under 5 make no sense to me...literally. Ever tried having a conversation with one??? They just babble and you have to follow their visual cues to know if you are to laugh, look sad or be angry too. It's most frustrating. Plus, they cry over the stupidest shit. If I don't tell the girl that I think she's wearing a pretty dress after she robotically compliments my staff shirt, she pulls a freakin hissy fit.
Waiting for food at a restaurant??? Who came up with this crazy notion? How is it more convenient to sit down and have somebody else serve you? At my place, if I want a drink, I go to my fridge and voila, it's there! Plus, I don't up my profit margins by 300% on all my drinks. Plus, my food arrives when I want it too and is cooked to my specifications. Oh and I always wash my hands, so I'm never worried about a disgruntled chef's germs in my soup. :) I've no patience for lining up for a table, awaiting a server's arrival to take my drinks, and then the 45 minute wait for food to arrive.
Finally, the reason why I'm blunt and always seeking clarity in relationships, friendships, jobs, etc is cuz I've no patience for bull shit conversation. I want to know if you're into me during our first date (thou I'll usually wait till post-date wrap up to ask). If we're gonna be friends, I don't care about what school you go to or shitty part time job you work at. I want to know about your hopes, dreams, ambitions, etc. If we're working together, don't bother me with your personal shit, I don't care. I need to know what your skills are, strengths/weaknesses and how you like to be recognize. This helps me to know how to properly 'use' you. :)
What do you have little patience for? Or how do you find endless patience?
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