Hey all,
So I am quickly approaching the one month mark (December 13) of not having a cigarette and let me tell you I feel great. I was able to run 45 minutes tonight and not be too out of breathe. I can climb stairs without wanting to pass out. I don't have a sore throat in the morning anymore. Now I didn't do it cold turkey, I am wearing the patch. So technically I haven't broken the addiction yet. It is a ten week program and everytime I tried before, I never followed through with it, hence I consider that a reason why I started smoking again. This time I intend to follow through on the plan and I can be proud when it is over and I can officially be smoke/nicotine free.
It has been tough. Over the last month I have had exams, I live with my mom who smokes, been out clubbing and been going nuts at work with nothing to do now. I realize that was my biggest reason for smoking, it passed the time. I also have much more money in my pocket.
The interesting part is I can be around it now and not have the urge to have one. I just find something else to do with my hands and mouth. ; ) (write on here and chew gum) I was out on Friday and I could actually be outside with my friends who were smoking and not have one. Yesterday I was in a car with a friend of mine who was smoking and no problem.
Anyways this is me being proud of accomplishing something. In the future when I think I want one, I will remember the struggle over the past two and half years of starting and stopping and hopefully that will ward me off from having a puff or just one. I am not longer a smoker but an X-Smoker and proud of it.
I started smoking again in China, since it's extremely commonplace here, but I also quit after a year, and I must say, with fewer immediately noticeable benefits (they're cheap, and breathing the air is like you're smoking anyway, so lung repair took some time). But I haven't got the slightest inclination towards smoking now, just tastes dirty.
congrats on the no smoking!!!
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