This is more of a question than a post, but I'll flesh it out a bit.
I ran into the ex for the first time, since we broke up last nite at a club. It's crazy how quickly time flies by. We haven't seen one another for probably a month and so to run into him again, was a little random.
I saw him at the start of my night walking down to the coat check. No hug exchanged to greet one another and I was a little out of it. I had just run to the club to ensure I could get in for free. :) Plus, this guy that was with him, I didn't recognize as a friend, and he was making some mean eyes at me. So I figured this was his new boy and I didn't want to prolong the conversation.
Throughout the evening, I saw him dancing with 2 ppl that I didn't recognize. I never went over to say 'hi' or like engage in dance or convo. Cuz well, why would I want to cause for awkward-ness of 'oh hey, yah this is my ex...'
So I'm dancing away the night, having a good time w/ friends, and then all of a sudden around 1:30ish, there's a tap on my back. It's the ex...
He says 'he's out' (which he's never said before) and questions why I'm going out so much nowadays (it's called being off of school), I tell him about my new apartment and he looks sad. One of the reasons we broke up was our distance. So he says 'he's out' again and heads off.
So folks, the questions is, when you see your ex's, what do u do?
You say hi, smile, and then walk away. The longer you talk the harder it is not to get mad or upset. Unfortunately you will always bump into your ex's and until you are over them, it will be awkward. Some you might become friends with, while others you will never talk to again. Of course who am I to talk, I seem to keep sleeping with mine after I break up with them...lol.
Regardless of the circumstances, courtesy always shows integrity, strength and character. You will only hurt yourself if you choose to respond with hostility. If your main concern is how the other will perceive you, then having them know that you are bitter only shows that they still have control over you psychologically, so it does not make sense to confront or neglect. Be courteous, be quick, and remember that the other person is also facing the same situation,so let them talk, hear what they have to say, and then you can walk away thinking, that could have been the most ackward experience but we handled it with maturity and I am proud of myself.
When I see my ex -usually once a month now- I awkwardly say a greeting or two, and she does the same. In truth though, whenever I see her I become a little bit upset and I tend to down a couple of pints down and have a little smoke break from the time she and I are in the same room.
But yes, when I do see my ex, I do everything I can to not think about her.
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