Last Saturday, I discussed what my triggers were in a positive way. Now I'd like to discuss what sets you off in a not so positive way. What causes you to explode, lash out or merely act a little miffed?
Stupidity! This sets me off a lot. There just seems to be sooooo many stupid people out there doing really stupid shit!
It's most noticeable right now in the snowy conditions. You have the stupid person going way too fast and swerving along the road. You have the equally dangerous person going 20 km/hr and thinking this is the safe way to drive. NO! It's not!
Egos drive me mad too. Somebody who walks around with confidence is sexy, somebody who walks around with an ego is annoying. Here's how I define an ego: thinking that you are better than anybody else. We've all got our skills, talents, aptitudes and what not and we may be the greatest in our little circle of the universe; however, the world is a large large place...so get over yourself.
Those that are materialistic might as well walk far far far away from me. I have a Yaris, shop at Valu village, and like to donate on kiva.org. When you tell me that you have a nice car, buy only name brand clothes, and like to get your hair done at a salon for gossip time w/ the ladies - it indicates to me that we'll have little in common.
Finally, the biggest thing that sets me off are those that blame their beliefs on their religion. 'I don't feel this way, it's my religion that says it, so I have to follow it.' Go fuck yourself! Seriously, that's all that I have to say about that.
I've shared, now it's your turn to let it all out...
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