What's your trigger? What sets you off? What gets you off? What throws you into an absolute tizzle, whether it be positive or negative? It can be turn ons or turns off. Likes, dislikes, pet peeves or whatever the opposite of that is. :)
These last few days, I've had some prominent one's on both sides.
For now, let's focus on the positives...
Tall is definitely a trigger for me, it could be that I'm slightly vertically challenged, but I'm attracted to height. I've dated otherwise, but I always think that height is automatic points. Haha...to be truly shallow, I've sometimes wondered what I'd be like tall...I think unstoppable. ;)
Another real turn on is creativity of any sorts. Writing, painting, dancing, sculpting, singing, good penmanship... ;). Anything creative is a complete and utter turn on for me. There's nothing to be more attractive than somebody exploring an artistic medium - whether successfully or not.
Individuality is awesome too. People that strive to be their own person and are 100% comfortable with it completely rock.
It may just be me, but being polite is incredibly sexy. Anybody that says 'please' and 'thank you' and especially at a restaurant is good in my books. Somebody that helps out others without being asked is even better. Those that stand around and choose not to assist as it's not their responsibility can sit on my shit list. :P
What gets yah going in a good way?
I'm with you re: politeness.
People who are direct with their emotions, be it fear, joy, anger, love, whatever, make me really happy :)
Trigger in a bad ways are the gay mens who refer to each other as she...it's misogynistic and homophobic at the same time!
Politeness is key...it's soo hot!!!
Communication is super important, esp. about emotions.
Soooooo girl, I get you now!
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