Saturday, September 19, 2009

I really don't like in-class courses!

I'm part of this new wave of students that complete their studies through distance courses.

Why?  Because it's awesome.  You can do it at times that are convenient for you.  You're not forced to drive all the way to class, pay for parking, get there and only spend 1.5 hours of a 3 hour class.  Or sometimes, you can show up and there's no class at all.  It's been cancelled.

I definitely prefer distance as it convenient for MY schedule, not the schedule of the professor.

Last night, I had to attend only my 2nd university in-class course out of the 19 that I've completed.  It quickly reminded me that although, I may think that the subject is very interesting, I quickly lose all that interest when having to sit in a class room.

The prof was a joke.  If you show up late for the first class and don't apologize or reference why.  You've lost my respect.  I don't want a hand out, I want you to post it online.  I can keep it on there.  Plus, aren't we all trying to be a little more green?  Also, bitching out security for not turning off an alarm in front of us all impresses nobody.

Anybody who teaches a con ed course that is an elective and insists on being referred to as Dr. So & So is a dumbass in jay's book.  You got your Ph. D, I applaud that, but you're a person and we're all adults.  I will refer to you as So & So.

Tell me about your academic background and how it applies to the course.  That you're a life healer on the side and work with famous athletes, famous journalists and others in the entertainment world is of no interest to me.  Perhaps, you're trying to impress the kids of today who think Paris Hilton and Speidi are a-m-a-z-i-n-g, but not for me.

Your e-mail addresses is a personal one and not a university one???  What?? what? what???  Oh and it advertises your own home business???  Not cool. Plus, I check out the website and it hasn't been updated in months and is really just a blog and some 'Ask Dr. So & So's' from over a year ago.  Use your university provided e-mail address, forward them to your personal e-mail addy - if you must.  Plus, I don't believe that you receive 400-500 e-mails a day (not including spam) and only respond to subject lines that you have self approved.  You're a consultant, you read each and every e-mail.  Otherwise, you either get little business or you're a shitty business person.

Finally, we did nothing in class.  I have one page of notes that consists mostly of squigglys.  No discussion on how future classes will run.  The majority of the class was taken up with a student rep. interrupting for 15 minutes, in-class group presentations sign-up for 25, and hearing stories about the prof's ex boyfriend. 
Pros to distance course.  Do it on your time, only read discussion postings of those that you want to, and you have access to all the lecture notes 24/7.

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