Sunday, September 13, 2009

You Ain't Seen Nuthin' yet!

I am celebrating a milestone birthday today, and even though 30 isn’t really that much in the long run, it’s still an important enough number to stop and take stock : ) Here are some simple things I have learned on my journey from ova to diva.

It might seem like common sense, but Doing > Talking. Get up and do it. Right now.

Although I am a big believer in personal growth, leopards don’t change their spots. Someone who hurt you once will hurt you again and someone who shows you kindness will continue to do so. A liar will always be a liar, and if you are lucky enough to make a true friend in someone, they’ll always be that (even if you don’t see them for a while).

Some dreams come true and some dreams do not. Let the ones that do give you strength to deal with the ones that don’t.

You’re never as ________ as you think you are, and even if you are, someone somewhere loves that about you. Fat, skinny, ugly…we all have negative voices in our head. It’s hard, but worth it to try not to listen to them.

It’s ok to put yourself first sometimes. If you are not happy, figure out a way to be. If your needs are important enough to outweigh others’, step back and take care of yourself. On airplanes they say figure out your own oxygen mask before helping someone else with theirs…applicable here.

We’re all trained from an early age to think otherwise, and this is something I struggle with sometimes, but asking for help is not a sign of weakness. That is what your friends and family are for, which brings me to a biggie:

Blood is NOT thicker than water. I began my life journey with one blood relative in my life, and I’m here later with an extended chosen family of people who are incredibly patient, supportive, honest, and loving in amazing ways. Don’t like your family? Choose a new one!

Finally, and most importantly if you play your cards right, things get better the older you get. Life makes more sense and you get better at what you do :)

What have you learned on your life journey?


aifolposes said...

It's Edi!

A great read. I agree with your life-learned lessons.

A few little things I've learned as I go through my twenties:

-Listen to your elders. Their experience is a very valuable thing to learn from.

-Be spontaneous and live in the moment at certain times, but think long-term and plan ahead during other times. Both are equally important.

-Learn about history. Any history: your family's, your culture's, your nation's, etc. It's important to know where you, or someone/something else, came from.

-Treasure the good people in your life, because they're one of the greatest blessings you'll ever receive.

-And...don't be afraid to wear booty shorts, or glittering leopard print, even if other people stare :D

letsbevain said...

Oh RGH, so many awesome things about this post.

Getting rid of the junk ppl in your life is SOOOO KEY!!! Life's too short to waste on those that don't deserve you.

Great point about finding someone who will love your imperfections. There's 6 billion ppl in the world, there is someone (and more) for us out there.

I love to talk, but those that only talk don't get too far in life. Take some action and take it today. Tomorrow may not come, but today is here for you.