Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You take the good, you take the bad...

You take the good, you take the bad...it's a tv theme song and just the way that life works out.

It's seriously the worst driving week for me thus far. Sunday was dreadful between construction and the Tamil protest. Monday took me 2 hours to get to Milton, when it should've taken 1 hour. Stupid collision pushed 401 down to 1 lane...not fun! Tonight, I left work late to avoid traffic and another collision turned a 20 min. trip into almost an hour. Wahhh!

To balance out the awful-ness...I'm a contract away from securing a venue for the event that I'm putting together in late August. A date and venue means that I'll have 3 whole months to get together a fabulous group of performers, crew, and supporters for it.

A side business of mine is back on track and all it took was my own personal focus and being clear about what I wanted.

This weekend is going to be great! Mom's b-day, long weekend at the cottage, nephew to be there, and time for me to just sit in the sun and ponder.

All in all, another week that offers a healthy balance. :) What's working and not working for you?

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