Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hits and Misses Vids

There's been some vids lately that I have been hits and misses for me...

(I've no clue why youtube is being stupid these days and not allowing ppl to embed certain videos into other websites. So you'll have to click on the links to some of the following.)


Pink's 'Please Don't Leave Me' is by far my favourite song off her last album, but I freakin hate the video. Like it could be all dramatic and cool and instead, it's just stupid. Check the link here. Again, love love love the song. It should've been single #2, but Sober was an interesting choice.

Kelly Clarkson's 'I Do Not Hook Up' is not one of my fav. songs off her album. But it was written by Katy Parry and that Kara chick from American Idol. In fact, Katy had recorded it, but it didn't get on her album. So jumping on that train, Kelly's released this song and it's burning up the charts. What is awful is the video, another one that makes no sense. Plus poor Kelly..she's gotten kinda big, so they don't really show more than her face in her vids these days. Check it out here.


I'm in totally like w/ the 'Big Bang Theory', it's a sitcom on CBS and it's about geeks. So I never watched. But I downloaded the first season after watching an episode a few weeks ago. The show is freaking hilarious! Like I'm a sorta geek and it just makes me laugh. The one guy Sheldon doesn't get regular interactions, so it's fun watching him make fun of others or just not get why you can't be blunt 24/7.

Another pretty hilarious show is 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.' Simple premise, 3 friends that own a bar and the pretty girl that works there too. I've seen the first 3 and each time, it's just simple situations and revolves around getting laid. :P

Pretty much these days, we all need a good laugh and now I've got 2 more shows that fill that void.

What are some hits and misses for you these days?

1 comment:

RGH said...

Kelly seems to be making a career off of other ppl's cast-off songs.

It's kind of insulting that they're trying so hard to hide her weight gain...she loooks fine.