Monday, August 10, 2009

We Can Kill The Weather Man!

Now, I have to admit that I don't pay attention to weather forecasts. It's for this reason that I'm usually caught out in the rain wearing shorts and flip flops. Or still in a sweater and pants, when it's unseasonably warm in early Spring.

I gave up on the 'witchery' that is weather forecasting many many years ago, but I never realized that I could go ahead and kill the person in charge of weather forecasting.

Check out this article here on It highlights that an individual in Canada who forecasts the weather has been assaulted and received negative e-mails about their inability to correctly state what the weather will be like.

As for the killing, well we'd have to move out of Canada to get away with that. According to the article, if it were before the 1960s and in Britain, we could burn someone at the stake for trying to predict the weather. The Taliban in the 1990s apparently banned it too, as they deemed it to be sorcery. In 1996, Peruvian meteorologist Francisco Arias Olivera was freakin hanged for not correctly forecasting a flash flood that killed 17 people.

I don't know about you, but does that not seem a little bit extreme. I'm all for angry letter campaigns and calling someone out for doing a shitty job, but I tend to back away when my friends start tossing around the idea of hanging someone. But that's just me.

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