Hey look, it's 2 famous urban artists, Chris Brown and T.I. They're responsible for such 'hits' as 'Forever' and 'Live Your Life.' One's a felon and the other isn't...yet.
T.I.'s got himself in trouble for trying to purchase machine guns. Chris Brown's in trouble for allegedly beating the shit outta Rihanna.
Now which one would you choose to be on your marketing campaign? I'll give you a few seconds to weigh the pros and cons. Convicted vs. innocent until proven guilty. Hrem...should be an easy one. Both kinda even in the looks department, though I'd rather do T.I. than Chris Brown. T.I. just seems more freaky. Chris is young and would probably just be a bit too hyper. Keep debating and then jump to the next paragraph for the answer.
It's....the convicted felon, T.I.!!! You see, there's a film coming out in 2010 (yep, that far away) called 'Bone Deep' starring T.I, Chris Brown, and Hayden Christensen. Apparently, due to Chris Brown's beating up of Rihanna, they've deemed him too controversial to have in any posters, trailers, or anything like that. Now T.I. is okay, cuz you know all he tries to do is buy illegal guns...you know to hunt for deer n shit...in the urban forest. :P
Not only does he get to be in the ad campaign, but he also gets his own show on MTV called 'T.I.'s Road to Redemption: 45 days.' You see, he's got to put in 1000 community service hours to prove to the judge that he's a good boy. If he does, he may get a reduced sentence. Each week, he gives a life lesson to a teenager on the 'wrong path.' Anybody else know what community hours is??? It's not getting paid to do a tv show. Getting paid is a job! Community service hours is donating your time for free, doing menial stupid ass work.
Now I'm in now way letting Chris Brown off for his alleged crimes. I fully support not playing his music, smashing his cds, and of course, having Rihanna's Dad go and kick the shit out of him.
I think that T.I. should be facing a little bit of trouble too. Boy's got a couple of convictions for ass kicking himself. Instead it seems like he's had nothing but success...which don't make no sense.
Today's life lesson of the day: It's cool to buy illegal guns, but wrong to smack your bitch up!
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